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The 4G's

God,Goals,Growing & Glowing!

I came across a post last night while scrolling on Instagram not being productive.YES, I said not being productive. Now, I am not saying that you can't be productive while browsing Instagram but at that moment I was just browsing profiles. Nonetheless, I came across a post that struck me like no other. It said 4 simple words that I can definitely relate to at this point in my life..God, Goals, Growing & Glowing! Now, I'm sure that you have probably came across this post or even something similar. However, I wanted to give you my take of my perception of the what I like to call the 4 G's...

God: No matter what, you must have god in your life. You have to trust what he is doing. Even if you are at a point in your life that you don't quite understand, TRUST that God has your back even when no one else does. So pray, meditate, read the bible, read a scripture a day, or even start a prayer journal. If you don't see yourself having time to read the bible or a scripture a day.. Download the "Devotion" app in the app store. It's free AND it sends you 2 bible verses a day as notifications. One at 7am and one at 7pm. It's a great investment and it takes like a minute or two to download in the app store, so you really have no excuse. Whatever it is that will keep you in tune with god, do it. You have to be down with G.O.D to see things manifest and prosper in your life.

Goals: Ladies, Gentleman..I can't stress this enough. You will not get anywhere if you don't have goals and a plan. We all have goals, but have you written them down? Set deadlines? Made your self accountable if the deadlines aren't met? If No, then you need to start. "A goal without a plan is just a wish." I always say start with a planner and go from there. You can also start a Goal Journal. Write them down and break down a plan for every goal you have.

Growing: Growth is apart of life. If it's not growing it's DEAD. Growth is inevitable. No matter what, you are going to grow. Some may fear growth because with growth comes change. You should never fear it. I used to be afraid of it. BUT, now I am all about growing and change. Change is a good thing. When things are growing it's for the better. It's all about the way you look at it.

Glowing: Now after you embrace that Growth, it's time to GLOW UP. Shine, happiness, and fulfillment are signs of the GLOW up phase we all aim to achieve. Many of you have yet to reach this GLOW up phase. To be honest, I'm still waiting to reach my glow up phase. It's funny because the whole order God, Goals, Growing & Glowing is in perfect chronological order. Once you've accomplished everything else the GLOW up comes last. Nothing anyone say or do will touch you. You are serving an almighty God while accomplishing your goals, all in the midst of growing to become the person God has called you to be.

First, you have to embrace and allow God to take control of your life. Then, you have to set some bomb goals. Set them and hold your self accountable for them. Lastly, all you can do is now grow from there. That is a sign of growth itself. THAT is when that GLOW up hits. You are shinning now and nothing can stop you. You know God is in control, and he is about to take your life to a level you've never imagined.

These are things I am currently embracing in my life. I haven't quite reached the glowing stage yet, but oh when I do!!!!

So start embracing the 4 G's in your life. Once you get to that Glowing stage things can only go up from there! Promise!


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