How often do you write down your goals? How often do you write them down with deadlines?

Now, this is IMPORTANT! For about a year or so while living in Los Angeles I never wrote down my goals. Actually who am I kidding up until about my last year before moving home I never really wrote down my goals.They were just mental foot notes in my mind. Which as we know is not a good thing because then we have no way to hold ourselves accountable.That was THEN! Now,I write EVERYTHING down! EVERYTHING!! I have about 5 different notebooks that I write everything down in. Yes 5! I am a very creative person and I have so many ideas so whatever notebook is near I jot my idea down. There is so much power in writing down your goals and dreams instead of just daydreaming about them. We have notes in our smart phones for a reason. Take advantage of it. Once you note your goals down on paper it makes them seem more real. It also gives you the drive to want to achieve your goals and hold your self accountable. I also highly suggest writing them down with realistic dates. A psychology professor at the Dominican University in California by the name of Dr. Gail Matthews,recently studied the art and science of goal setting.She discovered that those who wrote down their goals and dreams on a regular basis achieved those desires at a significantly higher level than those who did not.
The past 7 months I spent home I set daily, weekly and monthly goals. I would feel soooo accomplished when I was able to check something off my goal list. Honestly, when I write my goals down it gets me excited. It helps me think about my future and all that is to come if I really stick to them. I'm learning its all about manifesting and putting it out in the universe. So as the queen Erykah Badu once said " Write it down on real paper,with a real pencil (or pen) and watch shit get REAL! If you are one of those individuals who don't write your goals down I challenge you for the remainder of this month to set some goals. Let me rephrase that....Don't just set them...WRITE THEM DOWN!!!! If you need help or guidance on how to set goals I listed 5 steps below to help you learn how to set realistic and achievable goals. Enjoy!
1. Figure out your goals.
If you are not sure, answering these questions will help:– How much money do you want to make each month?– How will you make this money?– How do you want your body to look?– Where do you want to live? How do you imagine your ideal house?– What do you want to achieve in your relationships?– Do you want to follow any specific career path?– Do you want to learn a new craft?– Do you want to start a new hobby or learn a new skill?
2. Write these goals down.Now, take a moment and again read the questions above.
Take a piece of paper and start writing down your answers, but don't be afraid to write down impressive, huge goals.If you can't find a paper, you could write the answers in a note on your phone or laptop.But, I would recommend using a paper. Personally, I have my goals written on a whiteboard that's over my desk so I can see them every day, but I have also written my short-term goals in my phone.
3. Make sure you write specific goals.
“I want to lose 20 pounds of fat,” is hugely different than, “I want to lose 20 pounds of fat in the next four months.”The second is specific and gives you a deadline that will push you to take action.
4. Always put deadlines in your written goals.
For the reason pointed out above. Make sure these deadlines are somehow realistic. You can't say you will gain 15 pounds of muscle in the next two weeks.Put a deadline that is challenging enough to push you and motivate you to take action, without being extremely tough to achieve.
5. Under each written goal, write a specific three-step plan on how you will achieve this goal.
For example, if your goal is to lose 20 pounds of weight in four months, you could write:– I will go to the gym and lift weights three times per week.– I will eat 500 fewer calories each day.– I will eat junk food and sweets only twice per week.– I will drink fizzy drinks once per week.– I will walk for 45 minutes every day.