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2018..The Year Of Plans Not Dreams..

Its been a while since I posted a blog post. December has been a busy month with going home to Houston for the holidays, really figuring out what it is I want from 2018, what I learned in 2017 and how I wanted to prepare myself for 2018. 2017 was definitely a year for me, in a good way. Most of you know I packed up and moved back home on Jan of this year. January 24 to be exact. Not knowing what was coming next with my career and life. To be completely honest when I went home I blossomed more than I could have ever imagined. I learned so much about myself, started this blog and was able to grow in front of the camera. Let’s just say as I sit back and think about 2017 it was a year of GROWTH! Not to mention I was able to I was only home for 7 months. 7 months! I was blessed with the opportunity to relocate back to LA with no financial stress and continue to push with my goals. Really go at it. Now, I can say after being in LA for 5 months things have been great but I still find myself wondering am I doing all I can be doing? No, really am I? As I sit in this airport, yes I am writing this lovely post in the airport, I can’t help but think of all my goals and dreams! What I want for myself and how I plan to push myself harder in 2018. Make no excuses for anything that I want. That’s why I am declaring 2018 as the year of plans not dreams…I know you're probably thinking what do you mean plans and not dreams. I want all my loved ones, subscribers and readers to put your best foot forward this year! I want us all to be the best we can be. I don't want us to think of our dreams as dreams but more so plans. Put it in the universe like its already done and we are just thinking of ways to accomplish it all. Dreams are just that dreams. I no longer want to think of what I want from life as a “dream”. Because to be honest if you want it bad enough it can happen, If you work hard, grind and hustle it can happen.So why do we consider it a dream when its very much so attainable if we really work hard at it? Why don't we take this year to plan out our goals and attack them? Stop using excuses of what we cant do and focus on what we can do. Sometimes you have to use the resources you have until the resources you need are in front of you. I am saying all this to say let's all get our shit together in 2018! Let’s stop using the words dreams and us the word plans. I plan to do this or I plan to do that. Not saying there is anything wrong with dreaming because sometimes we all have to dream but just know you have to get your mindset in that Planning mode and out the dreaming because before you know it 5 years will have been passed by and you will still be dreaming. Below I share my 3 ways of staying ahead of the game and planning out your 2018…

1.Having a planner and actually using it!

Okay, I am one of those people who buy multiple planners. I never stick to one throughout the year..IDK why and think it will keep me organized. No! Buy one planner and stick to it. Every Sunday night plan out your week. Make notes, use sticky notes if need be :) Every Sunday should be spent planning out the next week and a week before the month is over if not sooner you should be planning out the following month.

2. Set deadlines for yourself when it comes to projects!

I've mentioned this before in a previous post. We should always treat our craft (if you work another 9-5 or just another job in general) as a second job. When you are coming home from work you should be spending at least at minimum an hour a day on your craft. Set realistic deadlines for yourself. If you don't make those deadlines hold yourself accountable.

3. Vision Boards!

I am a lover of a good vision board! I believe if we put in the universe what we want and get very specific with it the universe will bless us with it. Sometimes we aren't specific when it comes to what we want. Well, this year lets try to be as specific as possible. Create that vision board. Host a vision board and wine party with your girls. It’s simple and easy. Once you create it you have that as a reminder to look at every day and track your progress. And let me tell you the power of vision boards are real. I’ve witnessed numerous people including myself list something on their vision board and see it come to fruition. So don't sleep on them. They are definitely worth making!

The next time I will be posting a blog post it will be 2018!!! So, Have a blessed new year & Lets make 2018 our B****! :)


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