Social media..What are your REAL thoughts?

Social media can be such a BLESSING and a CURSE! Why? Well lets start with all the good things that come with social media. Facebook came around my senior year in high school I believe.I can't really remember, but it was around my high school graduation. I loved Facebook and still do. It is a way to connect with old friends, teachers and keep in touch with people. I actually still use Facebook a lot. Its crazy how long Facebook has been around. Now, it is a whole different story and on a different level when we talk about Instagram. Do you guys remember when needed an iPhone to use Instagram? Boy was that a long time ago. See, I have a love/hate relationship with Instagram. I believe social media can be a blessing and a curse but what I should have said is ..Instagram can be a blessing and a curse. Instagram comes with so many perks. Its basically a free online portfolio for any creative to showcase their talent. Thats one thing I really love. I can share my craft with the world for FREE the way I want to!
Instagram has paved the way for a new way to network. You have access to so many people at your fingertips..Literally! I love how I can look at my post engagement, impression reach and so on. Instagram has really stepped it up with the business account option.The email feature on profiles is such a bonus plus too!! We used to have search the web for someone email but now its there at the click of a button. I really love how I can network and meet people from all over because of social media. We can engage with people all over the world and get to know them through a touch of an app. So many people can grow their business with the help of Instagram. Which don't get me wrong I am all for that.
HOWEVER....let's get down to the CURSE.... DID you know some castings ask for your follower’s number? OR that some people won't book you for the job because your following is low. That really blows my mind. That someone would get turned down for a gig due to their number of followers. Not because they don't have the talent but because their followers aren't up to par.There have been plenty times I probably didn't get a gig because I don’t have the right amount of followers. Instagram has opened doors for people who really have no talent but the right amount of followers to book the job. Crazy huh? I mean I am not knocking anyones hustle BUT I just think thats bazaar. It then puts the pressure on us to do whatever we can to get followers. And some of y'all really do whatever y'all can. From taking the pictures with barely any clothes on to the booty shaking videos. Y'all really be out here doing for the gram.(jokingly) We also all find ourselves playing the comparison games. You do it. I know you do, because I do. We are all guilty of it. But its true when they say "everyone is not all they POST to be.” People have tailored their social medias to highlight all the highs but not the lows. Which I get it but everyones life is not all peachy. I learned to appreciate not being on social media, worrying about followers and really everything that comes along with social media during my social media detox. I touched on a lot about the things I learned in my previous post. It can definitely be overwhelming with the pressure it puts on us to be perfect and think we should have all of our ducks in a row.
My last nit pick with social media is people cant enjoy a night out or a gathering without posting it on social media. Once again I am guilty of this too. But, could you really see yourself going out to an event, party or concert and not snapchat or post an IG story. I have tested myself numerous of times and I am happy to say I passed. Especially during my social media detox. Do we think people wont believe us if we don’t post we were there? Us millennials really don’t live in the moment. We are to busy on our phones. Thats something I challenge you to do. Have a night out and not post one single thing. Heck, don’t bother with your phone at all. Turn it off for the night and watch how much fun you have. Unless the night is a fail, then by all means snapchat away!
So the questions still remains…. is social media a blessing or curse? Honestly I think it can be both. There are some great things that comes along with social media and then there are some not so great things. Its all about how you approach it and what you plan to do with it. For me, I am about use social media to my full advantage to promote myself, my blog and share my craft while its hot. I encourage you to do the same. Social media is paying some people bills. Just make sure you are not out here doing it for the gram! (lol)
